There are many opportunities to erve at Faith United Protestant Church. Listed below are the Council and Ministry positions. If you have questions, please contact the appropriate chairperson.
Moderator: Becky Czmyr
Vice Moderator: Sue Harvey
Corporate Secretary: Tom Brim
Finance Officer:
Treasurer: Steve Wing
Worship and Music
The Ministry assists the ordained staff in lanning, oordinating, and ealuatng innovative, inspiring, and dynamic worship services, including liturgy and music, based on the sound theological practices that emerge in the United Protestant tradition. The Ministry provifes ushers, greeters, nursery, acolytes, commuion needs, sound system, and chancel preparation, as needed for the service. This Ministry also coordinates the musical offerings by the adult, youth, and bell choirs.
Building and Grounds
The Ministry's function is to oversee the use, occupancy and care of real and personal property of the church. With the guidance of the favcilities manager, Building and Grounds works to assure a high standard of both funvtional and aesthetic services. Standing committees include grounds and the Columbarium and Memorial Gardens.
Care and Nurture
With pastoral leadership and ministry of the laity, the Ministry oversees the providing of on-going care and nurture to Faith members and constituents and the assimilation of new members. It nurtures and philosophy of stewardship of service among all members through a comprehensive volunteer program for the work of the church in the local as well as laarger world. The ministry provides hospitality as needed for funerals, special ocvasions, and Sunday morning refreshments. Standing committees include Lay Caring, Christian Service, and Spiritual Gifts.
Christian Education
With guidance and direction from the professional staff, the C.E. Ministry oversees the educational opportunities for all age groups at faith. It provides a broad range of programs incorporating applications of Christian teachings and principles to contemporary lives. The Ministry develops and oversees programming such as Sunday School, Adult Education, and Bible Study.
This Ministry develops and nurtures a deep sense of Christian fellowship among all ages by offering an overseeing a variety of programs and activities to meet the social and recreational needs of the people of Faith Church. The standing committees include Adult Social Activities, Student Fellowship, and Spiritual Enrichment.
The Financial Ministry is responsiblt for all fiscal matters of Faith United Protestant Church from determining the annual budget and planning the pledge campaign to deciding on the disbursement of funds. The standing committees of the Financial Ministry are Financial, Endowment, Fundraising, Benevolence, and Memorials.
Reaching Out
The Ministry raises awareness of the congregation to needs in the community and the larger world and develops policies and programs to help meet these needs. The standing committees include Mission/Social Justice, Communications/Marketin and New Member.
At-large members
The four at-large members represent the congregation as a whole and serve on one or more committees. One at-large member may also serve on the United Protestant Council.
Council Committees
Nominating Committee
This committee prepares a slate of candidates from among members of the church for election to the Church Council and Ministries.
Personnel Committee
This committee reviews and evaluate the performance of the pastor and all other paid staff with the pastor.
Pastoral Relations Committee
This committee serves as support to the pastor and as an ombudsman between the membership and organizations of the church and its pastoral staff. Church Council membership is not necessary to serve on this committee.
There are many opportunities to serve at Faith United Protestant Church. Listed below are the Council and Ministry positions. If you have questions, pleases contact the appropriate chairperson.
Worship and Music
This Ministry assists the ordained staff in planning, coordinating, and evaluating innovative, inspiring, and dynamic worship services, including liturgy and music, based on the sound theological practices that emerge in the United Protestant tradition. The Ministry provides ushers, greeters, acolytes, communion needs, sound system, and chancel preparation as needed for the service. This Ministry also coordinates the musical offerings by the adult and bell choirs.
Building and Grounds
The function of this Ministry is to oversee the use, occupancy and care of real and personal property of the church. With the guidance of the facilities manager, Building and Grounds works to assure a high standard of both functional and aesthetic services. Standng committees include Grounds and the Columbarium and Memorial Gardens.
Care and Nurture
With pastoral leadership and ministry of the laity, the Ministry oversees the providing of ongoing care and nurture to Faith members and constituents and the assimilation of new members. It nurtures a philosophy of stewardship of service among all members through a comprehensive volunteer program for the work of the church in the local as well as larger world. The Ministry provides hospitality as needed for funerals, special occasions, and Sunday morning refreshments. Standing committees include Lay Caring, Christian Service, and Spirtual Gifts.
Christian Education
With guidance and direction from the professional staff, the C.E. Ministry oversees the educational opportunities for all age groups at Faith. It provides a broad range of programs incorporating applications of Christian teachings and principles to contemporary lives. The Ministry develops and oversees programming such as Sunday School, Adult Education and Bible Study.
Evangelism & Fellowship
This Ministry develops and nurtures a deep sense of Christian fellowship among all ages by offering and overseeing a variety of programs and activities to meet the social and recreational needs of the people of Faith Church. The Ministry also raises awareness of the congregation to needs in the community and the larger world and develops policies and programs to help meet these needs
The Financial Ministry is responsible for all fiscal matters of Faith United Protestant Church from determining the annual budget and planning the pledge campaign to deciding on the disbursement of funds. The standing committees of the Financial Ministry are Finance, Endowment, Fund Raising, Benevolence, and Memorials.
At-large members
The four at-large members represent the congregation as a whole and serve on one or more committees. One at-large member may also serve on the United Protestant Council.
Nominating Committee prepares a slate of candidates from among members of the church for election to the Church Council and Ministries.
Personnel Committee reviews and evaluates the performance of the pastor and all other paid staff with the pastor.
Pastoral Relations Committee serves as support to the pastor and as an ombudsman between the membership and organizations of the church and its pastoral staff. Church Council membership is not necessary to serve on this committee.