We affirm God, the Eternal Spirit, who has created and who continues to create the world and humankind in the divine image.

We affirm Jesus Christ, our crucified and risen Lord, who came to share our human experience, to reconcile and make new.

We affirm the Holy Spirit, God's spirit within us and among our community of faith, binding us together and inspiring us to be co-creators with God of a world of justice and peace.

We affirm our heritage as an ecumenical inclusive church, welcoming members from all denominations and being strengthened by the great and diverse traditions of the whole Church.


Faith Church is a body of Christ seeking a new vision to minister to its congregation, the community, and to be a witness of the Holy Spirit by:

  • providing a spiritual home to young and old where they can share their time, talent and treasures;
  • inviting others to Christ and to share the gospel of God's boundless love by word and deed;
  • providing a variety of opportunities for fellowship, worship and learning;
  • responding to individual concerns and needs for care and counsel; and
  • being peacemakers and providers of local, national, and worldwide support.

Our mission is to grow spiritually as a family of God.  We seek to be a welcoming community of faith, where all who seek to follow God as made known through Jesus Christ can grow in understanding of self, our Christian heritage and God's will for us in this unique time and place.

Our Constitution, Amendment, and By-Laws are available for viewing in PDF format